Tips for safety measures while working in Office
Till now, some companies had allowed their workers to work from home in the situation of Lockdown. Now in many cities which are in Orange and Green Zone, Ofiicesr has opened and employees are being called to the office. In such a situation, you have to take care of some things for the safety of you and your colleague. We are therefore giving you some tips for safety measures while working in the office
Here, through some tips, we are telling you which things you have to take care of.
Do not forget to carry a few essential articles with you before leaving the house to go to the office. A hand sanitizer bottle, two clean masks, towels or napkins to wipe hands after handwash, two air closed pooch for keeping the masks and a scarf to cover the head. And yes, you can also use soap and water in the office instead of hand sanitizer.
When leaving for the office, wear a full-sleeved shirt, wear a mask, cover your head with a scarf. Use the sanitizer before and after using the vehicle or any transportation means. The eyes should be covered with goggle too.

officeThermal screening must be done while entering the office. Wash the hands or sanitize them. Every time you enter the office, wash your hands with soap.
Follow the rules and recommendations in the office. Wearing a mask, keep a distance of 6 feet from your colleagues. More than 10 employees should not be attending the meeting room. Do not take lunch together as far as possible. Even if you have a group lunch, follow social distancing
Make a social distance and use the stairs as far as possible. If you have to use a lift then it is necessary that more than two-person in the lift is forbidden. Press the lift button with the elbow or in an indirect way. Stand back on each other
You have to abandon your bad habits like Gutkha chewing, smoking. Every employee should take responsibility for the cleanliness of the workplace. Avoid spitting as far as possible.
Take your own food and breakfast to the office, carry a bottle of water. Avoid using outside food and water as far as possible. Keep information about nearby Covid hospitals on your desk. Do install Arogya Setu in your mobile. Inspire other coworkers for this too.
These are some tips helping you and your coworkers remain safe while working in the office