Today, in this Corona crisis era, we have to follow the right principles, in such a situation, the Neeti vakya said thousands of years ago…
Stay at Home Only one option of freedom from the corona crisis until some other effective solution like vaccine or medicine comes in your hands…
Everyone is thinking of getting rid of pandemic crisis in their own way. But Pakistan, our neighboring country is not deterring from its antics even…
Herd immunity-an effective tool to control covid-19 infection though lock down period helped controlling the infection but it also gave bad impact on economy Share…
Give priority to Indian products because our little effort will make a big difference. There are several Indian products(swadeshi) for daily use which we have……
Covid-19 crisis forced universities and colleges to shut online classes have been started to make up for the studies. some useful tips are given…
As most of us are already aware, Hydroxychloroquine (Quinine) has already taken the world by storm. Every newspaper is talking about it, and all countries…
Population bill-necessity of time .The time has come when the country is in dire need of a population control law. As of now, India still…
Nobody thought that a phase would come when men will become enemy of men The religion which showed the man the path of humanity the……
Super Moon or pink moon this year was seen on 8th of April likely to bring some hope to reduce this Corona crisis worldwide.This rare…