Happy Mother’s Day- Greetings to our first best friend and the person you always turn to when you need advice.
Mother’s Day is also a great time to show your love for all the other wonderful women in your life
Mother is not a word, Mother is the world for us.… Well, there cannot be a special day to remember a mother. Mother’s prayers are always together. Mother’s love always shows the right path. But today is Mother’s Day … a day to remember and call mother.
See the effect of prayers daily The role of a mother is always full of affection for her children. If you speak a harsh word to others, then he will break your relationship, but if you speak to your mother, she will think that you are in trouble. Mother believes in you first. Even if you tell her wrong, she will believe you, because the mother is innocent, the mother is a mother. For us, our mothers are everything.

She recognized our talent and worked hard to achieve this. Whatever we are today, it is just because of our mothers. It is the education given by our mothers that we also able to inherit the same life value to our children.
Today on Mother’s Day, a poem by Nida Fazli dedicated to mother
बेसन की सोंधी रोटी पर
खट्टी चटनी जैसी मां ,
याद आता है चौका-बासन,
चिमटा फुंकनी जैसी मां ।
बांस की खुर्री खाट के ऊपर हर आहट पर कान धरे
आधी सोई आधी जागी थकी दुपहरी जैसी मां ।
चिड़ियों के चहकार में गूंजे राधा-मोहन अली-अली
मुर्गे की आवाज़ से खुलती, घर की कुंडी जैसी मां ।
बीवी, बेटी, बहन, पड़ोसन थोड़ी-थोड़ी सी सब में
दिन भर इक रस्सी के ऊपर चलती नटनी जैसी मां ।
बांट के अपना चेहरा, माथा, आंखें जाने कहां गई
फटे पुराने इक अलबम में चंचल लड़की जैसी मां ।
It is impossible for us to tell something about our mother in words. God is very compassionate that we have her support. There is neither a pilgrimage nor Dharam-Karam for me greater than them. They seem to me to be the most beautiful creation of God in the entire universe. His heart is the sea of love. There is such an influx of happiness in which we have conquered every difficulty of the world by swimming.

Waking up every morning and showing gesture of respect to our mother should be the start of the day.
When I tell about my Mother, she is 65 years old Every day, her voice like echoes in my ears. Every day the same questions and the same concerns. How am I, taking care of myself or not. Whatever may be the trouble, there should be a lot of difficulties, the mother takes the lead in front of her face to face them. I still become a small child under the shade of his eyes. It seems as if the joys of the world are lying in my footsteps.
Somebody has told the truth that the mother is the greatest blessing in the world, which cannot be fulfilled even with the blessings of crores of Gods.