If you are a tea lover like me, then congratulations, today is the day of all the tea lovers. Yes, I am talking about International Tea Day. previously day was celebrated on 15 December. But with the efforts of India, now 21 May is fixed for this today, so enjoy this post with me while taking sips of your tea
On the recommendation of India, the United Nations General Assembly has declared 21 May as International Tea Day. India made the proposal 4 years ago at the International Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) inter-governmental group meeting in Milan. Before this every year on December 15, International Tea Day is celebrated. this is similar to the beginning of the international yoga day. On the initiative of India itself, the day of June 21 was fixed for International Yoga Day.

The United Nations General Assembly in its notification said, “We want to make people aware of the contribution of tea to the rural economy, so that the goals related to sustainable development of 2030 can be met.” Declaring International Tea Day will help boost its production and consumption, which will help fight hunger and poverty in rural areas. Will. The United Nations General Assembly has also recognized the tea’s medicinal properties as well as cultural importance.
The United Nations has appealed to all member countries, international and regional organizations to celebrate International Tea Day on 21 May every year. It should have such programs, so that the importance of tea can be explained in strengthening the rural econom
International Tea Day is celebrated in tea producing countries. It includes India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and many more countries. However, it was started by an NGO. The month of May was chosen because this month is considered the best for tea production.

In order to make people aware of the contribution of tea to the rural economy, this proposal of India was approved by the United Nations. According to the U.N., declaring May 21 as International Tea Day will help boost its production and consumption, which will prove helpful in fighting hunger and poverty in
Not only this, the United Nations has appealed to all member countries, international and regional organizations to celebrate International Tea Day on 21 May every year
According to the report released by FAO in the year 2018, world black tea production is expected to increase to 44 lakh tonnes by 2027 from 33.3 lakh tonnes in 2017. At the same time, the production of ‘Green Tea’ is estimated to be 3.6 million tonnes, which was 17.7 million tonnes in the year 2017.
Black tea production in the world’s second largest producer, India, is estimated to be 16.1 lakh tonnes by 2027 as compared to 12.6 lakh tonnes in 2017. At the same time, the production of ‘Green Tea’ in China, the world’s largest producer, is estimated to be 33.1 lakh tonnes by 2027 as compared to 1.5.2 lakh tonnes in 2017.

So friends Those who are addicted to tea like me know the fact that tea is an energy beverage which drives away laziness. There are lots of discussions on tea. Reading the morning newspaper and discussing about all national and international issues with our friends along with a cup of tea is another luxury one can seek for.

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