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Author: डॉ मुकेश ‘असीमित’

लेखक का नाम: डॉ. मुकेश गर्ग निवास स्थान: गंगापुर सिटी, राजस्थान पिन कोड -३२२२०१ मेल आई डी -thefocusunlimited€@gmail.com पेशा: अस्थि एवं जोड़ रोग विशेषज्ञ लेखन रुचि: कविताएं, संस्मरण, व्यंग्य और हास्य रचनाएं शीघ्र ही मेरी पहली पुस्तक “नरेंद्र मोदी का निर्माण: चायवाला से चौकीदार तक” प्रकाशित होने जा रही है।
science of getting rich

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles – 16 Lessons to Learn From it

: Money making, How to get rich, How to make money, 16 Lessons to make money, Science of making money, Lessons to learn from Science…

How to Start a Start-up – Beginners’ Guide

How to Start a Start-up – Beginners’ Guide

A business comes to existence through an idea. An idea focused on solving the persisting or visualised upcoming issues gives the genesis to a start-up.……

Sales Skills and How to Develop it

Sales Skills and How to Develop it

A thriving business is an output of the combined endeavour of different sections. Though all the sectors demand attention and generate revenue, still sales are……

World Population Day – 2021

World Population Day – 2021

As the world is observing World Population Day, it reminds us of our role and responsibilities towards the issues related to population. According to United……

Dedicated To the Most Amazing Man in the Whole Wide World - Happy Birthday, Papa!

Dedicated To the Most Amazing Man in the Whole Wide World – Happy Birthday, Papa!

Dear Papa, I had heard in childhood that there is an angel for every human being who keeps him safe from every difficulty. He is……

The Rich Mindsetvs Poor Mindset – 13 Key Differences

The Rich Mindsetvs Poor Mindset – 13 Key Differences

Why some people keep getting success in all the dimensions, while others remain poor through their entire life. Even after trying hard, they crave success……

How to handle customers

How to Improve Customer Satisfaction

“The customer’s perception is your reality”- Kate Zabriskie Importance of Sales and Sales Department The sales department is the only department of cash inflow in……

10 ways to lead a better life

10 Ways to Get 100% Growth in Personal and Professional Life

Success is a reflection of growth in everything you do. The desire to live a good, happy, successful life is persistent for ages. Despite this……

How to instill a successful habits-Earl Nightingale

How to Instil the Habit of Success – The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

“We must be the epitome, the embodiment of success. We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must first become mentally, from……

negotiation skill-How to get the best deal

Negotiation Techniques that Never Fail

As it is known, business is all about buying and selling. At every step in business, we have to resort to bargaining, sometimes from the……