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Author: डॉ मुकेश ‘असीमित’

लेखक का नाम: डॉ. मुकेश गर्ग निवास स्थान: गंगापुर सिटी, राजस्थान पिन कोड -३२२२०१ मेल आई डी -thefocusunlimited€@gmail.com पेशा: अस्थि एवं जोड़ रोग विशेषज्ञ लेखन रुचि: कविताएं, संस्मरण, व्यंग्य और हास्य रचनाएं शीघ्र ही मेरी पहली पुस्तक “नरेंद्र मोदी का निर्माण: चायवाला से चौकीदार तक” प्रकाशित होने जा रही है।
Mindfulness Meditation-15 minutes guided

Mindfulness meditation-15 minutes guided

Mindfulness is a key to have good physical, mental and emotional health. Practicing it regularly makes a person more content and focused, helps increase patience…

6 business language learn from mother nature

6 Business lessons to learn from Mother Nature

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” – Albert Einstein Everyone must have experienced that when something upsets us or we……

purpose of life-living a meaningful life

Discover the Purpose of Life-How to Live a meaningful life

A person feels happier, more content and successful when he lives his life with a purpose. Purpose makes life more meaningful, keeping us motivated to…

Time Management- A Key to Personal and Professional Growth

Time Management- A Key to Personal and Professional Growth

Good time management always keeps one blessed with enough time to devote to personal and professional growth for which a person has always dreamed of.…

The goal, and All You Need to Know About It

The goal, and All You Need to Know About It

Goal setting gives our life meaning, purpose and direction. One feels motivated and makes the most of his life by utilizing his skills, knowledge, time…

Business mindset-a real business man

Business Mind-Set – The Key To Be A Successful Businessman

by making wise strategic decisions, based on evaluating, analysing and prioritizing tasks according to short and long-range planning one can develop a business. That can…

Occupational wellness-Important dimension of human wellness

Occupational wellness (व्यब्सायिक कल्याण )-मानव कल्याण

Occupational wellness (व्यब्सायिक कल्याण )-मानव कल्याण – मानव कल्याण की एक आवश्यक विशेषता है चुने हुए कैरियर के प्रति आपका दृष्टिकोण कैसा है? क्या आप……

What is drop shipping

Drop shipping क्या है.What is Dropshipping?

ड्रॉप शिपिंग क्या है?Dropshipping एक ऐसा इ कॉमर्स का मॉडल है , जो हर दिन लोगों को अपना खुद का व्यवसाय शुरू करने के लिए……

How to start your online e-commerce business

भारत में अपना खुद का ईकॉमर्स व्यवसाय कैसे शुरू करें- How to start your own e-commerce business

Bill Gates once said: “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.” ई-कॉमर्स उद्योग भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के……

Happy Republic day

क्लब 91 द्वारा गणतन्त्र दिवस पर समर्पित देश भक्ति विडियो गीत

क्लब ९१ हमेशा से कुछ अलग हट कर करने का प्रयास करता रहता है.क्लब ९१ ने इस बार गणतंत्र दिवस के उप्लाख्य पर एक अनूठी……